Legal notices

Hoegen Dijkhof Legal Services B.V., also trading under the name Hoegen Dijkhof Dutch Business Lawyers is a Dutch private limited liability company, having its seat and registered office in Amsterdam, De Lairessestraat 156, 1075 HL Amsterdam, Dutch Chamber of Commerce nr. 34191452. We are not attorneys-at-law and not registered with the Dutch Bar Association. Our website is solely intended for the purposes of providing information. Nothing on this website shall be deemed as constructing any legal relationship whatsoever between the viewer and Hoegen Dijkhof Legal Services B.V., or as providing an advice with regard to any specific matter. Publications are not automatically updated and therefore may be outdated. Our website contains links to other websites. Hoegen Dijkhof Business Lawyers will not be responsible for the privacy policies or contents of these websites.

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© 2024, Hoegen Dijkhof Advocaten B.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in anyway whatsoever of parts or the entire contents of the website of Hoegen Dijkhof Dutch Business Lawyers BV is prohibited, other than for the purpose of individual use and these contents shall not be copied and shared with third-parties. The permit to an individual to copy, does not construct the permission that materials or any part of these materials, can be incorporated in any work or publication, in hard copy, electronic copy or in any form whatsoever.